Monday, March 3, 2014

Ready... Set... LENT!


Ash Wednesday is THIS WEDNESDAY (March 5th) and it is the start of LENT!  

Lent is centered on prayer, fasting, and alms-giving (giving-to-charity, in more modern terms) – this seems like a lot of rules and restrictions, but let me tell you all something important: Lent is how we are supposed to live all the time!  Not that we need to sprinkle ashes on our heads every few weeks… no, on a deeper and more profound level…

Lent calls each of us to live a life that is more about God and less about me.  Living a life that is more about God and less about me, is in the running for the motto of the Christian life – just look at Jesus, he came to do the will of the Father: from his birth in Bethlehem, to his childhood years, through his preaching and miracles, and the Passion, Jesus lived a life for our salvation by following the will of God the Father.  Now that we got a bit more of the whole Christianity thing squared away (My life is about God not about me), lets take a quick look at Lent and Ash Wednesday…

Got 2 minutes? Ash Wednesday and Lent in Two Minutes, from our friends at Busted Halo.

Fasting? Why Fast? Some great thoughts from our Friend Meg at Held by His Pierced Hands.  As well as “few” thoughts on what to do for Lent, and why… nice thoughts!  

[If you want to bounce your idea for your Lenten Sacrifice seems a bit extreme or even tougher than usual, shoot me an email and we can chat about it – the whole conversation will be completely private and do me the favor of adding your phone number to the email, in case its just easier to call.]

We can talk a bit more about Prayer and Almsgiving soon… but with fasting and Lenten Sacrifices first on our agenda, at least on my agenda, I thought these blog posts and ideas would be helpful. 

Remember: we cannot serve both God and the world, so carve some of the world out of your life to make more room for God!

May the Lord continue to bless you,

Fr. Wilke

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